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760 lines (710 loc) · 31.2 KB

File metadata and controls

760 lines (710 loc) · 31.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

0.10.1 - Dayjs Hotfix


  • Frontend errors due to wrong dayjs import

0.10 - Jelling


  • Support Multiediting attributes across multiple entities (through ...-menu in entity tree)
  • Support moderated roles/users that require a privileged user to accept/deny their changes in entity forms
  • Serif font (Zilla Slab)
  • New Attribute Type: Richtext (A feature-rich alternative to Textbox Attribute; based on Markdown)
  • New Attribute Type: Date range
  • New Attribute Type: URL
  • New Attribute Type: Userlist
  • New Attribute Type: Attribute Group Separator (A separator element to group attributes in tabs)
  • Separate form Save/Reset in Entity Attribute Tabs (when using Attribute Group Separator)
  • Additional non-standard bibtex fields to Bibliography (ISBN, ISSN, Language and Abstract)
  • Additional fields in User profile regarding institution
  • Keyboard Shortcut to save Entity (Ctrl + s for current open attribute tab, Ctrl + Shift + s for entire entity)
  • Show parent entity path in Move entity modal
  • Pasting into Bibliography Item now works without clicking first and display some more info
  • Info on hover to required fields in new/edit bibliography modal
  • Restrict search in Entity attribute to specific entity-types
  • Metadata tab to Entity Detail panel=======
  • Allow Multiple Choice Dropdown in Table attribute
  • Allow Date Range in Table attribute
  • Entities can now be updated using the Data Importer
  • Add option to export only search results in Bibliograpy


  • Error in Attribute List caused by Entity (Multiple Choice) attribute
  • Attribute form Save/Reset handling due to newly introduced Attribute Group Separator
  • Adding roles without setting a preset
  • Permission Overview not visible if new role without preset is added
  • Save Permissions without changing state of Moderation switch
  • Deleting a bibliography entry
  • Importing local file referenced in Bibtex import
  • Typos in Translation files
  • Updating bibliography entries
  • Duplicate Entity
  • Search in Attribute List
  • Do not reload Entity Detail on Enter key
  • Do not allow empty values in List attribute
  • Re-add Drag & Drop to entity tree
  • Reset error message on login
  • No fields shown for misc bibliography type
  • Deleting attributes while still used in entity types lead to wrong position of attributes after re-ordering
  • Mark all notifications as read
  • Unsetting a date value
  • Unsaved changes in Data Model Editor were visible in the UI
  • Trigger event on updating point coordinates in popup
  • Adding bibliography of type misc
  • Moving entity in tree created a temporary duplicate
  • Entity Types in Data-Model-Editor not scrollable
  • Scroll to entity in tree after selected (e.g. from a linked geometry on map or Entity attribute)
  • After unset Single Choice attribute value an Entity could not be saved/resetted
  • After unset Entity attribute value an Entity could not be saved/resetted
  • Parent Attribute in Single Choice attribute builder had no effect
  • Add missing info (**) to bibliography fields that are only required if another field is not set
  • Certainty values lower than 0 or higher than 100
  • Speed-up slow rendering time of (large) entity trees
  • Do not send notifications on moving an entity
  • Deleting all notifications
  • Button style in notifcation panel
  • Remove headings without content from References tab in Main View
  • HTML content in comments
  • Adding comments without content to Entity
  • Only first letter/selection/… of values in tables saved to database
  • Dependency state of attributes not persisted
  • Correctly propagate attribute changes to update dependent attributes' visibility
  • Storing false values in Boolean attribute
  • Adding references to a newly added/saved attribute value
  • Empty ORCID or phone number prevented users from saving the profile
  • Generated citation key in Bibliography could contain metadata characters
  • Adding literature entry from clipboard
  • Bibtex type inbook could not be added
  • Activity was not shown/blank
  • Adding empty table was possible and error was thrown
  • Bibliography import: files with .bib & .bibtex not visible on Windows and Mac


  • Entity tree sorting is now accessible through ...-menu
  • Reset Password Workflow
  • Allow adding options in List attribute on Enter key
  • Set timeout & disable login button while authenticating
  • Better handling and validation of user input in User profile
  • Attribute type backend logic moved to separate classes
  • Made UI to add new rows to Table attribute clearer
  • Attribute type backend logic moved to separate classes
  • Set default value in parent element in Add Attribute modal
  • Rework System/User Preferences and allow plugins to add their own preferences
  • Values in Dropdown attributes are now sorted alphabetically
  • Values in Dropdown attributes are now searchable
  • Font size in dropdown menus
  • About modal contributors
  • Data Importer: Now supports the Boolean attribute with the value 'x'
  • Append et al. to citations in reference tab and modal
  • Do not show "!" for attributes without value & replace initial "!" with "?" for attributes with value, but no certainty set
  • Bibtex import now is case-insensitive for type and keys
  • Display only the first and last 10 rows of a table that has more than 25 rows
    • Click on show hidden text to display all rows
  • Only load first 15 elements in dropdown attributes and load more elements on scroll/search (due to bad performance if an entity has a lot of dropdowns)
  • Reworked attribute list logic for a more consistent data management in the background



  • Changelog Viewer
    • Added to Plugins Settings (if an update is available)
  • System attributes
    • Attribute Group Separator
      • attributes can now be sorted into self-defined groups, shown as tabs in Main View
  • Option to set the width of entity attributes (50% or 100% (default))


  • File types to attach to bibliography items
  • Deleting files attached to bibliography items
  • Enable button if only file is added/removed from bibliography item
  • Modal Backdrop


  • Attach file button text in Bibliography Item modal to make clear that Drag & Drop is also possible
  • Update Laravel to v10
  • Update several dependencies
  • Replaced markdown renderer dependency
  • Moved Add Entitytype button to the header
  • Several UI- and Bug-Fixes



  • Adding/Editing bibliography entries of a type where a field is only mandatory if another field is not set



  • App not useable when a notifications with a reference to a deleted entity exists



  • Error on page access with no installed plugins (because Plugin directory is missing)



  • Background to column section in Add Attribute modal to better distinguish it from the main section


  • Reset label search after column added to table datatype in Add Attribute modal
  • Reset column values after new row is added in Entity Detail form
  • Preview for table datatype
  • Dropdowns for columns of newly added table attribute only visible after page reload


  • Attributes in entity detail's link list are now grouped by linked entity



  • Plugin updates


No notable changes in this release



  • Attribute Name and path to entity detail's link list (path is shown on hover; entity type name is shown on dot hover!)
  • Reload button to Not Found page
  • Highlight matching strings in bibliography search


  • Dropdown overflow in Add/Edit Bibliography Item modal
  • Attribute Dependencies could not be added/updated
  • Modal footer buttons on small screens
  • Again: References list not visible after added a new one if it's the first literature reference added to that attribute
  • Add new bibliography items from file import to list
  • Prevent to add already added attributes to entity types
  • Non-translated toast text shown when references tab in Entity Detail panel can not be opened
  • Empty dropdowns for newly created and added attributes in Entity Detail panel
  • Save entity with values set for a former empty Entity (Multiple Choice) attribute



  • Info modal in references tab to view all information from an literature reference
  • Copy BibTeX-Code of literature item to clipboard
  • Entity type color dot to entity detail's link list (entity type name is shown on hover)
  • Attach files to bibliography entries
  • Validation to bibliography add/edit form
  • More (optional) bibtex fields (doi, email, url, type)


  • Only delete avatar if is set and exists on disk
  • Display image in About modal
  • Closing modal after user is (successfully) added
  • Display errors from server if user can not be added (e.g. due to already existing nickname or email address)
  • References list not visible after added a new one if it's the first literature reference added to that attribute
  • Newly created entity types only selectable as sub-entity types after reload
  • Column ordering in bibliography
  • Saving changed type of bibtex entry
  • Do not show Delete Entity action in entity's dropdown if user does not have the permission
  • Translations for read notifications


  • Updated Modal Library to Version 4
  • Better handling of ", { and {{ in BibTeX
  • Show translated BibTeX-Type in literature entry add/edit modal's type selection
  • Make new modal library useable by plugins



  • Display option to access analysis tool in Tools (if available)
  • height of notification panel if larger than screen
  • Missing styling in Add Entitytype component
  • Several geodata related bugs
  • Node dropdown not closed on outside click



  • Error on deleting plugin (Plugin not found)
  • Allow geography as column type in plugin migrations
  • Importing values for integer/percentage datatype in data importer



  • Wrong translated concepts for languages with lang code mismatch



  • Support for color schemas (Dark Mode with unrounded corners included)


  • Login of deactivated users
  • Remove references to removed extensions preference



  • Incompatible version of ol-ext to match updated ol

0.9 - Isfahan


  • Global State for shared information (Vuex)
  • Reset unsaved Entity attribute values
  • Delete/Restore individual rows in tabular attribute
  • Load csv data into tabular attribute
  • Preview resulting attribute in New Attribute Dialog
  • RISM-Attribute
  • Button to jump from Entity Attribute to linked Entity
  • Entity Multiple Choice-Attribute
  • List with all entities that reference currently selected entity in Entity Attribute
  • Line numbers and skipping rows to CSV table component
  • CSV-based Data Importer
  • Supply matching user list for mentioning (type '@' in comment to get a searchable list)


  • Improved Attribute Validation
  • Editing Entity Name


  • Revamp Role Permission Configuration
    • Add Presets to Derive Role Permission Set from
    • Allow Plugins to have their own Permission Set and extend existing Role Presets
  • Disable Loading Iconclass Button when attribute value is not set
  • Switch Icon for Loading Iconclass Button
  • Update Laravel to Version 8
  • Update VueJS to Version 3
  • Restructure Bootstrapping and Setup of App
  • Restructure Layout of Data Model Editor for better UX
  • Restructure Layout of Preference Pages
  • Replace most of Checkboxes with Switches
  • Replace Infinite Loading Plugin with simple directive
  • Replace search backend (and adding search for attribute value)
  • Update Dependencies


  • Dropped Infinite Loading Plugin (for now as there is no proper replacement)

0.8 - Helgö


  • Support to extend all data with a comment section. Currently:
    • Attributes
    • Entities
  • Notification-Panel
    • Get a notification when a new comment is posted (and the notified user has already commented on this resource)
  • User profile to allow users to edit their information
    • Support for phone numbers and avatars
  • Activity Log (Logging changes to all models (Entities, Files, ...))



  • Switch from momentjs to dayjs for dates
  • Replaced certainty description with new comment section



  • Show info after file upload is finished
  • Make links in lists accessible
  • Chart visualization to table attribute


  • Position of long entity names in link tab (file viewer)
  • Error when parts of Exif data is not available



  • Caching attribute data in GIS layer styles
  • Chart overlays to GIS layer styling
  • Display multiple attributes in GIS view as labels


  • Unnecessary initializing snapping to features on the map (snapping is now initialized when editing mode is activated and onyl for the current visible part of the map)
  • Drag & Drop in entity tree
  • Timezone of date filter
  • Proper error messages for incomplete data in time period and epoch datatypes
  • Display entity name in GIS layer labeling instead of ID



  • Caching map styles to speed-up map performance


  • Unnecessary loading of data of all entities in gis view, even if they don't have any geo object linked
  • Selection of sql attributes as label in gis view
  • Loading speed of linked geo objects on map



  • Some attribute changes not saved, when one was a delete operation
  • Area/Length computation in map popups



  • Bing Maps Support
  • Iconclass-Attribute
  • Re-add dependency lock-files


  • Accidentally moving map outside viewport
  • Ignore uppercase/lowercase letters in login form user names
  • Overwriting existing files/thumbnails
  • Error on file loading due to invalid exif data


  • Select newly created layer in Layer Editor



  • CLI command to create new users/roles
  • Login using a nickname instead of e-mail address


  • Weird layout for some attribute lists
  • Do not open tree elements instantly when hovering while drag&drop (a delay of 500ms is now used/respected)
  • Dropping entities when tree is scrolled
  • Do not allow to save a user/role without required fields set
  • Set max zoom level on map fit to fix blank map layer due to unsupported layer zoom
  • "Send Reset-Mail" now actually sends reset mails (Please see for further details on how to set this up)


  • Replace JS bibtex-parser
  • Replace debounce package with lodash's



  • Make debounce delay in TypeaheadSearch component a prop and increase default value (250ms => 500ms)


  • Clear queue before sending another request in typeahead searches (should speed up tree search and others with large data sets)



  • Seeder for basic map setup


  • Replaced function calls of old roles package in RolesPermissionsSeeder and AdminUserSeeder

0.7 - Giza


  • Time Period datatype (epoch datatype without dropdown)
  • Screencast functionality (in Tools menu)
    • Save local or upload to Spacialist
  • File modal
    • 3D editor
      • Click on objects to select
        • Move, rotate, scale objects using handler or GUI
        • Press f to focus on object
        • Add LOD support
    • Images
      • Image manipulation
        • Supports several filters (blur, sharpen, color-based filters, ...)
        • Manipulations can be stored
    • PDF
      • print button
    • OCR support (PDF and Images)
  • Dynamic Parent-Element for string-sc (Single Choice Dropdown) datatype
    • Reference another SCD attribute in Data-Model-Editor to use it's value as Parent-Element
  • Parents Breadcrumb added to Entity Detail view header
  • Allow width expansion of attributes (Currently supported: Tabular)
  • PHPUnit tests (see for further instructions)
  • Option to set root element, entity-type and column as entity name in GIS importer
  • Also search for author in reference modal


  • Use Tree-Shaking in supported modules
  • Improved fullscreen handler code
  • Update to Laravel 6.2
  • Rework search components (should no longer logout on fast typing)
  • Switched (unmaintained) permission package
  • Dependency updates


  • Do not fire upload-from-clipboard event in input fields
  • Update references in Reference Tab, Attribute Icons in Entity Detail View and Reference Modal
  • File modal container height
  • Conversion for image formats not supported by PHP
  • Several styles and translations
  • Popup not working for newly added and linked geodata on click on linked entity
  • Adding first entity with a serial attribute
  • Sub-Entity counter for first added sub-entity
  • Linking geodata to entity-types with allowed geometry type 'any'
  • Hide file export checkbox/button if user doesn't have permission
  • Reset fields in add entity-type modal after closing modal
  • AD/BC dropdowns overlapping dropdowns of other attributes
  • Non-visible selection list for entity search in file linking tab
  • Overflowing container in file upload modal (upload from clipboard)
  • Storing dates in epoch (if start and end are BC)
  • Version Info modal after Login (without reload)
  • Several fixes in the Geometry Datatype modal


  • Unused/unmaintained packages



  • Entity as table column datatype
  • Entity type to entity detail form header
  • Demo Seeder (See for more details)
  • Show notification if attribute is deleted
  • Color indicator (based on entity layer color) to tree and entity-detail view (replaces monument icon)
  • Apply new preference values without reload
  • Editmode to upload from clipboard
  • Switch between card and list layout in file viewer


  • Sub-Entity count in tree is now displayed inside color indicator
  • Cleaned up geodata popup (Removed coordinate table, added length/area of geodata)
  • Moved file name to bottom of card, made font size smaller, display file name on hover
  • Reworked map popups (supports dynamic content such as hideable coordinate list; no more "click through")


  • Use color picker for simple layer styling (GIS)
  • Deleting geodata on map
  • User locale after login
  • Font loading
  • Error on empty layer array in map
  • Unset preference handling
  • Use user's language/default language for retrieved concepts
  • Jump to selected element in tree
  • Empty table row after add
  • Search in other available languages for labels that have no match in user's language (to make concepts available as label that are not yet translated)
  • Align user menu dropdown to the right, so dropdown is not displayed outside document bounds
  • Position of user menu dropdown
  • Polishing file list layout
  • Compatibility with latest version of vue (2.6)
  • File modal container height


  • Monument icon in tree and entity-detail view



  • Bug in migrations causing errors on saving new values



  • Scaling control to 3D file viewer


  • Missing content in Chrome/WebKit/Blink browsers
  • Migration from previous version
  • Links to Data Analysis-Plugins
  • Several style issues

0.6 - Federsee

This version is a complete rewrite using Laravel and Vue.js. Please refer to the for migration and new setup information.


  • File Viewer
    • Simple Office Documents Viewer (as HTML-Text)
    • Edit Mode for text and XML files
    • Replace single files (even with different file types)
    • Rendering of HTML files
    • DICOM Support
    • Rename files
    • 3D-Viewer can now load all 3D files of sub-entities into same scene
    • New audio plugin (based on wavesurfer, visualization and EQ)
    • Simple navigation to jump to previous/next file right from the modal (using buttons or left/right arrow key)
    • Icons in the upper right corner to indicate whether this file is linked and has tags
    • Checkboxes in the upper left corner to select files for export/download
    • Properties (copyright and description) and tags fields to upload page, to set them for all uploaded files
    • Shortcut (ctrl + v) to directly upload files from clipboard
  • Tree View
    • Reorder buttons (by rank (default), name, entity-type, children count)
  • Welcome Page
    • Maintainer (Name and E-Mail-Address), Project Description and Access (Public/Private) can be configured in settings
  • Reference Modal
    • Options (Edit/Delete) to reference list
  • Bibliography
    • Export BibTeX
    • 'Hide BibTeX metadata fields' toggle in Bibliography view
    • Auto-Fill from clipboard (ctrl + v) in new/edit entry modal
  • Attribute Types
    • SQL Type
      • Rendered as Table or single value
      • Supports translations (Use concept_url as header/content)
      • Supports :entity_id as placeholder for current selected entity
    • Serial Type (Auto-incrementing ID)
  • Geometry Preference (EPSG-Code). E.g. to display coordinates in popups different from EPSG:4326
  • Measurement tool for map
  • Attribute Dependencies
    • Attributes can now depend (are visible/invisible) on values of other attributes
  • GIS View
    • QGIS-like styling (categorized, graduated (equal interval and quantile) and color) and labeling
  • Contributors in about modal
  • Data-Model-Editor
    • Duplicate Entity-Types
    • Option to restrict options for dropdowns
  • Info texts on hover to icon-only labeled buttons/links/etc.
  • Set user's language to browser's default in user settings


  • Moved from Lumen (5.3) to Laravel (5.7)
  • Moved from AngularJS (1.5) to Vue.js (2.5)
  • Moved from LeafletJS (1.0) to OpenLayers (5.2)
  • Updated Bootstrap 3.3 to 4.1
  • Switched from Material Design back to original Bootstrap
  • Switched from Material Icons to new FontAwesome 5.5
  • Moved Plugin-like parts to real Plugins
  • Certainty Modal now has 3 icons to view information without opening the modal
    • !-Icon: Always displayed. Color based on certainty level
    • Comment-Icon: Displayed if there is a comment
    • Bookmark-Icon: Displayed if there is at least one reference
  • User/Role Management bundle several actions (Save, Edit, Delete, ...) in single dropdown (...-menu)
  • Adding/Reorder attributes in Context-Type tab in Data-Model-Editor is now done using Drag&Drop.
  • File Viewer
    • Load files as chunk of 15
    • Filter by ... for each tab (Linked, Unlinked, All Files)
      • Filetype
      • Camera
      • Date
    • Link tab revamped
      • Added option to link to entities from a search bar
      • Added 'Unlink/Link from/to entity' button in
  • Tree View
    • Now loads root elements only. Sub-elements are loaded on request
  • Bibliography
    • Only loads the first 20 entries. More entries are loaded on scroll.
    • Dropped differentiation between mandatory and optional fields (all are optional now).
  • Tree Search is now async and matching entities can be selected from a list (and expanded/highlighted)
  • Global search based on relevance. Also supports bangs for different categories:
    • !e + Search term: Entities
    • !f + Search term: Files
    • !g + Search term: Geodata
    • !b + Search term: Bibliography


  • 3D-File-Viewer: Mouse Controls now work even if WebVR is available (but not active)


  • Links: The links have changed, but they will continue to work. We recommend to update your bookmarks, because the old link structure is now deprecated
  • Edit Mode (Column sizes can still be modified in preferences)



  • Only show up to first 10 rows in csv preview
  • Add option to parse csv without header row
  • Add help icon to header (links to github wiki)
  • Allow to clear selected epoch
  • Submit buttons to most forms (hit enter to submit)
  • Version info/about popup in header bar (settings menu)


  • Revamp header bar


  • Tree search (deleting last char in search didn't show whole tree)
  • Height of containters (global scroll bar should be gone)
  • Missing map

0.5 - Ephesus


  • GIS View
    • Importer
      • CSV/DSV
      • WKT (as CSV)
      • KML/KMZ
      • Shape Files
      • GeoJSON
    • Export layers
      • GeoJSON (default)
      • CSV
      • WKT (as CSV)
      • KML/KMZ
      • GML
    • Layer options
  • Analysis View (Beta)
    • SQL-like expert mode
    • simple non-SQL mode (default)
    • Visualizations based on
      • Scatter
      • Line
      • Bar
      • Pie
      • Histogram
      • Ternary
    • Export
      • as CSV (ambiguous columns are currently not supported)



  • Error on empty Geo Objects
  • Fix Tree Search
  • Fix empty and non-working filter in files tab
  • Map (and files, if both deactivated) was still visible/selected, if deactivated
  • Fix tag section in file modal



  • Spinner icon to login screen as indicator for loading data (For some instances it can take several seconds to load the required data)


  • Roles/Permissions are now only seeded if they don't exist yet (It was not possible to add new permissions to existing projects without reseed everything)
  • Catch exception in exif parser to keep Spacialist running even if exif parsing failed
  • Check if file exists before parsing exif to keep Spacialist running even if a file gets lost on disk, but is still present in the database.



  • New supported filetypes
    • .pdb files (Protein Data Bank)
    • compressed files (e.g. .zip, .rar, .tar)
  • Download button in the file viewer


  • Delete Context Modal didn't get closed and context was not removed (see #292)
  • Add disabled state to round Save button and Unstaged Changes Popup (see #293)
  • Better filetype handling.



  • New Datatype: Table


  • A couple of bugs in epoch datatype (it was possible to store non-integer data and data with a start date > end date)
  • Context form must be valid to store context
  • Error after adding a literature to the Additional Information popup
  • Fixed a drag&drop bug in the context tree (see #255)

0.4 - Delphi


  • Preferences to allow customization for admins and users as well
  • Global search, Supports
    • Contexts by...
      • name
      • lasteditor
      • updated_at (supported format is MM.DD.YYYY <DayName> <MonthName>)
      • Context-Type
      • Attributes (Values and Labels)
    • Files by...
      • Tags
      • Copyright
      • Description
      • lasteditor
    • Layers by...
      • Name
      • URL
    • Sources (click on the star icon in the results to jump to the source entry) by...
      • description
      • lasteditor (literature, source and context)
    • Literature by...
      • all fields
    • Users by...
      • Name
      • E-Mail


  • Unstaged Changes Popup is no longer displayed when reference icon (the star icon) next to an attribute of the same context is clicked
  • Description for Literature References Entry is no longer required
  • State changes after a file popup is closed is no longer buggy (clicking another file before the page was reloaded led to weird behaviour)
  • Saving a context no longer requires a page reload
  • Flickering of the References tab in the right-hand view (map, files, ...) is fixed



  • Display csv as table (with support for different delimiters)
  • Display context type's layertype in Data Model Editor
  • citation key in bibliography table (update/overwrite now based on citation key)
  • Vive support for 3D viewer
  • Display reference-indicator if certainty is changed



  • List linked contexts in file popup
  • Exif Data viewer for image files (JPEG and TIFF)
  • Display coordinates in DMS (Degree Minute Second) in marker popup


  • Fix missing values of metadata in file popup
  • Marker popup form styles
  • Opacity of layers (Storing was not possible, stored value was ignored)



  • use current selected language for search requests
  • encode search term in context search (fix missing results for terms with special chars, e.g. umlauts)



  • The fab-styled save button (context detail view upper right corner) didn't work
  • The Last modified info was not updated after saving the context
  • The Toggle Edit Mode button is now disabled on not-supported states (should only be visible in the main state with the tree, detail view and map/files)



  • Context Search (didn't work at all)
  • Possible Error retrieving files without a thumbnail (every file except images)

0.3 - Cannae


  • Drag & Drop Support for Element Tree
  • More Datatypes (Integer, Geography, Slider, Boolean)
  • Dynamic UI (The three columns on the main view can be shrinked/extended, enable Edit Mode in the Settings Dropdown menu)
  • Basic Unit-Testing (Lumen API)
  • State-based Routing using ui-router
    • Shareable Links
    • Redirect to last state after (re)login
  • Unset Selected Values (string-sc aka Single Dropdown)


  • Photo Viewer => File Viewer (Please read section Protected Files in for proper setup)
  • Remove input field placeholders
  • Layer Control
    • Add layers for all existing contexttypes + one layer for unlinked geodata objects
    • Contexttype layers are restricted to a type (either MultiPoint, MultiLinestring or Multipolygon)
    • Geodata snapping
    • Add Bing and Google Maps as Tile-Provider
    • Layer Editor
      • Change color
      • Enable/Disable layers (only overlays, on startup)
      • Set opacity
      • Set default baselayer
    • Real RESTful API


  • Display context-type in properties tab again
  • Store epochs (without exact date span)
  • Add/Remove items from a list
  • Display thumbnail after image upload
  • Show tags (enabling Show tags in filter tab didn't change anything)
  • Search bar in tree column (Search results couldn't be expanded, thus children were not accessible)
  • Deleting Context-Types
  • Store/Retrieve double (datatype) attribute values
  • Missing Attributes in Lumen Seeders
  • Missing translation (Context datatype label)
  • Missing dimension units in dropdown


0.2 - Babylon


  • Data Model Editor (Add/Delete Attributes, Add/Delete ContextTypes)
  • Tree Search Bar
  • Bibtex Importer
  • Add Info Popup (left bottom corner)
  • Guest Account and default Admin Account


  • New Design (Based on Material Design)
  • Some other Style improvements (Geodata, Login Page, ...)
  • Extended Photo Functionality
    • Delete Photos
    • Edit Photo Properties
    • Add Tags
    • Search By Tag, Camera Model and Date
    • Update to Leaflet 1.x



0.1 - Atlantis
