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➤ wl-snackbar

Provide brief messages at the bottom of the screen.


➤ Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
backdrop backdrop boolean false Whether the backdrop is visible or not.
blockScrolling blockScrolling boolean false Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container.
disableFocusTrap disableFocusTrap boolean false Whether the focus trap be disabled.
duration duration number 200 The duration of the animations.
fixed fixed boolean false Whether the overlay is fixed or not.
hideDelay hideDelay number 5000 Time in ms before the snackbar is hidden automatically.
open open boolean false Whether the overlay is open or not.
persistent persistent boolean false Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it.
role role AriaRole "banner" Role of the snackbar.
scrollContainer scrollContainer EventTarget The container the overlay lives in.


➤ Events

Event Description
didhide Dispatches after the overlay has been hidden.
didshow Dispatches after the overlay has been shown.


➤ CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--snackbar-bg Background
--snackbar-border-radius Border radius
--snackbar-color Color
--snackbar-content-padding Padding of the content slot
--snackbar-elevation Box shadow
--snackbar-fixed-padding Padding of the container when fixed
--snackbar-icon-color Color of the icon slot
--snackbar-icon-margin Margin of the icon slot
--snackbar-padding Padding


➤ Slots

Name Description
Default content.
action Action content (you can have multiple slots named action).
icon Icon content.


➤ Usage

Go here to try the demo.


➤ Contributors

Andreas Mehlsen You?
Andreas Mehlsen You?


➤ License

Licensed under MIT.