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mixture: MIX infrastructure


mixture provides a robust simulation environment for MIX computers used extensively in The Art of Computer Programming series written by D. E. Knuth.

This crate sports:

  • MIX simulation via [MixVM]
  • I/O device simulation via [IODevice] (enabled by io feature)
  • #[no_std] compatibility

Crate features

  • std - Enable std support.
    • io - Enable I/O module of MIX.
  • x-ieee754 - Enable IEEE 754-compatible floating-point extension.
  • x-binary - Enable binary operation extension (TAOCP Section 4.5.2).

All features are enabled by default.


This example is a simple program that writes a hello message to stdout. It demonstrates basic workflow of creating, initializing, adding I/O device to, and running a MIX virtual machine with mixture.

use mixture::{ErrorCode, FullWord, IODevice, Instruction, MixVM, Opcode};

// Define common constants
const ADDR_TEXT_HELLO: i16 = 2000;
const DEV_PRINTER: u8 = 18;

// Define a line printer I/O device; this is not necessary: results can be read
// from VM memory directly, but using an I/O device is more illustrative.
struct LinePrinter {}

impl LinePrinter {
    const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 3;

impl IODevice for LinePrinter {
    fn read(&mut self, _: &mut [FullWord]) -> Result<(), ()> {
        // Our device is a printer, so it never reads.

    fn write(&mut self, data: &[FullWord]) -> Result<(), usize> {
        if data.len() != Self::BLOCK_SIZE {
            // Show that we have not printed anything before we bail out.
            return Err(0);
        for i in 0..Self::BLOCK_SIZE {
            let bytes = &data[i][1..=5]; // Ignore sign byte.
            for &b in bytes {
                print!("{}", char::from_u32(b as u32).unwrap_or('?'));

    fn control(&mut self, _: i16) -> Result<(), ()> {
        // Our device has no special commands defined.

    fn is_busy(&self) -> Result<bool, ()> {

    fn is_ready(&self) -> Result<bool, ()> {

    fn get_block_size(&self) -> usize {

fn main() {
    // Create a VM
    let mut mix = MixVM::new();

    // Fill in some instructions
    // 1  HLT  0
    mix.mem[0] = Instruction::new(ADDR_TEXT_HELLO, DEV_PRINTER, 0, Opcode::Out).into();
    mix.mem[1] = Instruction::new(0, 2, 0, Opcode::Special).into();

    // Fill in constants
    mix.mem[ADDR_TEXT_HELLO as u16] =
        FullWord::from_bytes([FullWord::POS, b'H', b'E', b'L', b'L', b'O']);
    mix.mem[ADDR_TEXT_HELLO as u16 + 1] =
        FullWord::from_bytes([FullWord::POS, b' ', b'W', b'O', b'R', b'L']);
    mix.mem[ADDR_TEXT_HELLO as u16 + 2] =
        FullWord::from_bytes([FullWord::POS, b'D', b'!', b' ', b'\r', b'\n']);

    // Attach device
    mix.io_devices[DEV_PRINTER as usize] = Some(Box::new(LinePrinter {}));

    // Start the VM

    // Run main loop
    let error_code = loop {
        let result = mix.step();
        match result {
            Ok(()) => continue,
            Err(c) => break c,

    // Check if the VM has shut down gracefully.
    // Now you should see "HELLO WORLD! " with line break in stdout.
    assert_eq!(error_code, ErrorCode::Halted);


MIX is the world's first polyunsaturated computer. Like most machines, it has an identifying number - the 1009. This number was found by taking 16 actual computers very similar to MIX and on which MIX could easily be simulated, then averaging their numbers with equal weight:

⌊(360 + 650 + 709 + 7070 + U3 + SS80 + 1107 + 1604 + G20 + B220 + S2000 + 920 + 601 + H800 + PDP-4 + II)⌋ / 16 = 1009.

The same number may also be obtained in a simpler way by taking Roman numerals.

D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming (Volume 1, 3rd. ed.)

The MIX computers are a model computer architecture, including hardware abstractions and instruction set architecture (ISA), proposed by D. E. Knuth. Bearing many features from the 1960s and 1970s, it is now considered obsolete, but it still provides adequate context for ISA development.


The basic unit of memory in MIX is a byte. Note that in MIX, each byte could contain arbitrary amount of information. MIX only places a lower limit on byte size: A byte must be able to hold at least 64 distinct values. A sound algorithm implementation in MIX should work properly regardless of how big a byte is.


Specific to mixture: The byte size in mixture implementation is 256.

Two adjacent bytes can express the numbers 0 through 4,095.
Three adjacent bytes can express the numbers 0 through 262,143.
Four adjacent bytes can express the numbers 0 through 16,777,215.
Five adjacent bytes can express the numbers 0 through 1,073,741,823.

A computer word consists of five bytes and a sign. The sign portion has only two possible values, + and -.


Specific to mixture: The sign in mixture is also encoded in a byte, whose only valid content is [Word<N, P>::POS] and [Word<N, P>::NEG]. Other values written into the sign byte are considered undefined.

Machine states

There are nine registers in MIX.

  • A-register (Accumulator) consists of five bytes and a sign, used in most operations as operand.
  • X-register (Extension), likewise, comprises five bytes and a sign, used in some operations as an extension to A-register at more significant digits.
  • I-registers (Index registers) I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 each hold two bytes together with a sign, used often as indices while counting and addressing.
  • J-register (Jump address) holds two bytes; it behaves as if its sign is always +, used as return address while performing jumps.

Each register is denoted with a prefix 'r' added to its name, e.g. 'rA' for 'register A'.


Specific to mixture: rA and rX have a type of [FullWord]. rI1-6 have a type of [HalfWord]. rJ has a type of [PosHalfWord]. All three types are aliases for different instantiations of [Word<N, P>].

MIX has some more states that are not registers, and could only be manipulated through specific instructions:

  • An overflow toggle (flag for overflow);
  • A comparison indicator (having three values: LESS, EQUAL or GREATER);
  • A memory (4000 words of storage, each containing five bytes and a sign);
  • input-output devices (cards, tapes, disks, etc.).


Specific to mixture: There are several implementation-specific details of the above states.

  • The overflow toggle is a private field that is not exposed to users.
  • The comparison indicator could contain values in the enum [CompIndicator].
  • The memory area is a struct named [Mem].
  • I/O devices are only available while crate feature io is enabled, and are described by dynamic trait [IODevice].

Partial fields of words

The bytes and sign are indexed as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5
± Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte

MIX programmers are allowed to use only part of a word in most instructions. In such cases, a field specification could be given to denote part of a word. Given a range (L:R), it interprets bytes from L to R (both inclusive) as a whole. Examples of field specifications are:

  • (0:0), the sign only.
  • (0:2), the sign and the first two bytes.
  • (0:5), the whole word; this is the most common field specification.
  • (1:5), the whole word except for the sign.
  • (4:4), the fourth byte only.
  • (4:5), the two least significant bytes.


Specific to mixture: [Word][Word<N, P>]s are able to be indexed by both [usize] scalars and [core::ops::RangeInclusive<usize>] ranges, so as to match the semantics proposed in the book.

The use of field specification varies among instructions. When encoded in an instruction, field specification is packed into one-byte scalar equals to 8 * L + R.


Specific to mixture: There is a trait named [ToRangeInclusive<T>] to simplify this conversion process. It is already implemented for [u8] by default.

Instruction format

Each instruction in MIX could fit in a single word. The encoding of instructions is as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5
± A A I F C
  • C: the operation code specifying what operation is to be performed. For example, C = 8 specifies the operation [LDA][Opcode::LdA], "load the register A".


Specific to mixture: See [Opcode] for a complete list of supported opcodes.

  • F: the modification or field of an instruction. It is usually a packed field specification said above. For example, if C = 8 and F = 11, the operation would be "load the register A with (1:3) field." Sometimes F is used to specify additional parameters, as it is on I/O instructions; in other cases it further refines the operation to carry out, as on [register modification][Opcode::ModifyA] instruction series.
  • I: the index part of an instruction. It must be an integer in the range between 0 and 6 (both inclusive).
  • A: the address of the instruction. Note that the sign is part of the address.

The use of I and A will be discussed in the Addressing section.


Memory addressing in MIX utilizes the A and I fields in every instruction. During instruction decoding, the target memory location M is produced using these two fields. M refers to some memory location at most times, and in this sense, it must be in the range of 0 to 3999 due to the number of memory cells in MIX. The notation CONTENT(M) is used in TAOCP to denote the content of memory location M.

If I = 0, then direct addressing is used, which means M is set to A without change. Otherwise, if I = i (where i is an integer between 1 and 6), the content of index register rIi is added algebraically to A to produce M, resembling a base-offset addressing mode.


Specific to mixture: If I is out of valid range, the VM will halt, and [ErrorCode::InvalidIndex] is returned as error.

If the produced M does not fit in two bytes, the result is undefined.


Specific to mixture: mixture uses [u16] for addresses, and will (depending on build flags) panic or silently wrap should any numerical overflow or underflow happens.


For a brief sketch of the operators, see the inline documentation of variants in [Opcode].

For a detailed explanation of instruction semantics and effects, please refer to The Art of Computer Programming (Volume 1, 3rd. ed.) by D. E. Knuth, or visit Esolang/MIX_(Knuth).

Extensions to MIX


Specific to mixture: This section decribes features exclusive to mixture and/or implemented in a non-TAOCP way.

x-ieee754: IEEE 754-compatible floating-point arithmetic

This extension adds support for binary32 floating-point format as described in IEEE 754-2008 and Rust [f32].

Data layout

A binary32 scalar fully occupies a [FullWord]. When loading binary32 scalars in MIX, the only valid field specification is (0:5). Loading only a part of a [FullWord], or manipulating any byte in a binary32 scalar with instructions not prefixed with F32 will yield undefined result.

0 1 2 3 4 5
± X f f f f

In reality, only (2:5) part of a [FullWord] is used to store a binary32 scalar. The sign byte is only set while storing computation results; its value is not honored when reading computation operands. Thus, such a wrongly-signed word representing the quantity +1.0f32 will never be constructed by mixture:

0 1 2 3 4 5
- X 0x3F 0x80 0x00 0x00

but can be created by hand. If such a quantity is used in a calculation, its actual value will be +1.0f32, rather than -1.0f32.

Conversion instructions

  • F32CVTF322I4B ([Opcode::Special], F = 3): Convert and round IEEE 754 binary32 to 4-bytes integer.
  • F32CVTF322I2B ([Opcode::Special], F = 4): Convert and round IEEE 754 binary32 to 2-bytes integer.
  • F32CVTF322I1B ([Opcode::Special], F = 5): Convert and round IEEE 754 binary32 to 1-byte integer.
  • F32CVTI4B2F32 ([Opcode::Special], F = 6): Convert 4-bytes integer to IEEE 754 binary32.
  • F32CVTI2B2F32 ([Opcode::Special], F = 7): Convert 2-bytes integer to IEEE 754 binary32.
  • F32CVTI1B2F32 ([Opcode::Special], F = 8): Convert 1-byte integer to IEEE 754 binary32.

These instructions convert source scalars stored in rA into destination type, and store the result in rA(0:5).

For integer-to-binary32, the source is fetched from least significant byte and is always considered positive. For example, if rA contains:

0 1 2 3 4 5
- 9 8 7 6 5

performing F32CVTI1B2F32 will yield binary32 representation of +5 in rA(0:5).

0 1 2 3 4 5
+ X 0x40 0xA0 0x00 0x00
Special result behavior

When the source scalar is outside the destination type's representable range, the overflow toggle be turned on and source will be clamped to destination type.

Converting a NaN to integer will result in overflow toggle being turned on. The result will be zero.

Arithmetic instructions

  • F32ADD ([Opcode::Add], F = 7): IEEE 754 binary32 addition.
  • F32SUB ([Opcode::Sub], F = 7): IEEE 754 binary32 subtraction.
  • F32MUL ([Opcode::Mul], F = 7): IEEE 754 binary32 multiplication.
  • F32DIV ([Opcode::Div], F = 7): IEEE 754 binary32 division.

These instrutions takes rA as left operand and V as right operand. Result is stored in rA.

Special result behavior

If the calculation result is either NaN or ±Infinity, overflow toggle will be turned on. The result will still be stored as-is in rA.

Comparison instructions

  • F32CMPA ([Opcode::CmpA], F = 7): Compare rA with V as binary32 values.
  • F32CMPX ([Opcode::CmpX], F = 7): Compare rX with V as binary32 values.

Compare rA or rX against V as binary32 values. Stores result in comparison indicator.

Note that NaNs are unordered against any other values.

Special result behavior


Jump instructions

The regular [Opcode::Jmp] variants also works for binary32 comparisons.

  • F32JORD ([Opcode::Jmp], F = 11): Jump on ordered.
  • F32JUNORD ([Opcode::Jmp], F = 12): Jump on unordered.

Perform jump according to last binary32 comparison result.

Special result behavior


x-binary: Binary operations (TAOCP Section 4.5.2)

This extension adds support for binary operations to registers and words, allowing for bit-wise shifts and conditional jumps on final bit of registers (even/odd).

Shift instructions

  • SLB ([Opcode::Shift], F = 6): Shift left rAX binary. The contents of rA and rX are shifted left M binary places. The signs of rA and rX are not affected.)
  • SRB ([Opcode::Shift], F = 7): Shift right rAX binary. C = 6; F = 7. The contents of rA and rX are shifted right M binary places.

Jump instructions

  • JAE ([Opcode::JA], F = 6): Jump rA even.
  • JAO ([Opcode::JA], F = 7): Jump rA odd.
  • JXE ([Opcode::JX], F = 6): Jump rX even.
  • JXO ([Opcode::JX], F = 7): Jump rX odd.

These instructions look at the least significant bit in rA and rX, performing jumps according to its oddity.

x-binarith: Binary arithmetic instructions

This extension adds support for binary arithmetics, resembling the classical 'bit operations' in various programming languages. These operations are indeed not authentic MIX (which requires operations to be independent of byte size and numerical base), so they are categorized under [Opcode::Special] sections.

Arithmetic instructions

  • NOT ([Opcode::Special], F = 9): Perform bitwise NOT on rA, then store result in rA.
  • AND ([Opcode::Special], F = 10): Perform bitwise AND on V and rA, then store result in rA.
  • OR ([Opcode::Special], F = 11): Perform bitwise OR on V and rA, then store result in rA.
  • XOR ([Opcode::Special], F = 12): Perform bitwise XOR on V and rA, then store result in rA.

Sign treatment

In every operations listed in this extension, [Word<N, P>::POS] is treated as 0x0, while [Word<N, P>::NEG] is treated as 0x1.