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Ecovim: Ultimate React Neovim Config

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A non-minimal Neovim config built to work most efficiently with React, JavaScript & TypeScript frameworks.


Dashboard Neovim


Make sure to use newest Neovim version (0.6). Copy it into your terminal:

bash <(curl -s

⚠️ Installation script is in BETA status. Please open an issue if you experience any problem with it.

After install configuration:

  1. Treesitter Languages are not installed by default.
    Make sure to run :TSInstall <lang> or :TSInstall maintained after first run.
  2. LSP servers are disabled by default. Please enable them in lua/lsp/config.lua by uncomment specific lines.


To change Ecovim related config use the config.lua file.
To change vim settings use the settings.lua file.


Currently I have no idea how to write for you my whole workflow of using Ecovim config in React.js projects I am working on,
but I can write you the most useful custom key bindings by the frequency I use them.

Space (SPC) is my Leader key.


Key Bindings Description
<C - p> Telescope git files
<S - p> Telescope live grep
s Enables lightspeed forward
S Enables lightspeed backward
SPC s d Search dotfiles
SPC s h Search file history
SPC s s Search history

Working with LSP:

Key Bindings Description
<C - Space> or SPC c a Code action
<S - K> Show documentation under cursor
gd Go to definition
gr Go to references
]g Go to next diagnostic
[g Go to prev diagnostic
SPC c f Format document (usually ESLint/Prettier)
SPC c r Rename
SPC c q Quick fix - when I exactly know if it will fix it
SPC c d Local diagnostics list
SPC c o Organize imports

Working with Git:

Key Bindings Description
SPC g g Lazygit - for commiting and branch change
SPC g s Telescope status - when I want to change/search file I am working on with git changes
]c Go to next change hunk
[c Go to prev change hunk
SPC g d Advanced powerful diff view with many filters for debugging code, checking previous changes etc.
SPC g m View hunk diff of a line under cursor
SPC g h r Reset changed hunk under cursor - I like to check quickly what I have changed in that line and then just type 'u' to go back
SPC g h s Stage hunk under cursor - Sometimes it's faster than selecting lines in Lazygit, so I can stage specific lines and then just do a commit
SPC g l c Quick check of previous commit in current buffer, inside to switch preview

Working with Project:

Key Bindings Description
<C - e> Toggles nvim-tree file explorer
SPC p w Find word under cursor in project - very useful to find where component is used. Just use binding and type '<'. There is a lot of alternatives like lsp_references but I like it with telescope and to not find only references but whole text under cursor.
SPC p f Find file under cursor in project - it finds files in project which contains text under cursor. Useful when you name directories by component name in React and wants to go quickly to file. 'gd' is better but in some projects without TS or with mixed JS/TS it cannot work properly
SPC p t Finds TODOs/NOTES in project
SPC p l Switch between projects
SPC p s Save session to load it later from Dashboard


Key Bindings Description
gcc Create/remove comment
gc (visual) Create/remove comment
gcO Create comment line before
gco Create comment line after

Table Mode / Alignment

Key Bindings Description
ga (visual) Aligns selection based on separator (comma, semi-colon, colon etc.)
SPC t m Enables Table Mode. Do it in markdown file with some table and you will see magic
SPC t i C (Only when Table Mode Enabled) Insert column before
SPC t i c (Only when Table Mode Enabled) Insert column after
SPC t d c (Only when Table Mode Enabled) Delete column
SPC t d r (Only when Table Mode Enabled) Delete row
SPC t s (Only when Table Mode Enabled) Sort table alphabetically

Other VERY useful bindings

Key Bindings Description
<S - q> Smartly closes current buffer without breaking UI
<C - a> It is not only increases number, but switches between true/false/const/let/function/arrow function/increment dates etc.
<C - n> Finds next occurence (like *) of word and puts multi-cursor there. Then you can go to Insert mode, Append, Change or Delete.
<C - o> Jumps to previous cursor in jumplist. I use it very often.
<C - i> Jumps to next cursor in jumplist.
<C - u> Uppercase word under cursor.
v Smartly selects next subjects of current treesitter context
za Toggle folds. By treesitter they are automatically added to TS/JS files in smart way
zM Close all folds
zR Open all folds
gJ Smartly joins lines based on treesitter
gS Smartly splits lines based on treesitter. I do if VERY often when I want to put import element to new lines (e.g. import { A, B, C, D, E } from ...)
< F2 > (visual) Highlights selection to specific background color selected by :PainterPickColor 1-10.
< F3 > Jumps between highlights
< F4 > Erase highlighted line
< F12 > Opens/closes split terminal

More coming soon... Check out the which-key menu and keybindings.lua for most used maps.


Measured on Manjaro Linux.

Module Total (ms) Load time (ms)
nightfly.vim 052.1 001.532
fix_cursorhold_nvim.vim 064.55 000.054
bufferline.vim 069.33 004.682
dashboard.vim 069.67 000.201
diffview.vim 070.86 001.084
emmet.vim 072.67 001.705
filetype.nvim 072.80 000.020
galaxyline.vim 073.04 000.147
glow.lua 073.20 000.031
indent_blankline.vim 073.82 000.519
lightspeed.vim 074.99 001.057
trouble.vim 075.18 000.082
lspsaga.vim 075.45 000.145
colorizer.vim 075.62 000.033
nvim-gps.vim 077.13 001.424
nvim-lsp-installer.vim 077.33 000.093
lspconfig.vim 077.51 000.073
toggleterm.vim 077.66 000.035
nvim-tree.lua 077.84 000.061
nvim-treesitter.vim 078.47 000.557
rainbow.vim 078.71 000.140
nvim-web-devicons.vim 078.85 000.033
ts_context_commentstring.vim 108.5 000.100
nvim-treesitter-textobjects.vim 109.97 000.651
nvim-treesitter-textsubjects.vim 110.8 000.218
packer.nvim 111.0 032.088
plenary.vim 111.1 000.044
splitjoin.vim 113.4 002.174
switch.vim 113.8 000.297
telescope.vim 114.1 000.134
todo-comments.nvim 114.310 000.028
codepainter.vim 114.724 000.297
easy_align.vim 114.966 000.146
vimsnippets.vim 115.144 000.031
speeddating.vim 115.715 000.483
surround.vim 116.206 000.378
table-mode.vim 116.954 000.636
visual-multi.vim 119.744 002.680
cmp_nvim_ultisnips.lua 121.151 000.920
which-key.nvim 126.094 000.021
dashboard.vim 151.122 000.483

Ecovim started in 177.538ms


Description Progress
Create shell installer for Linux & macOS 80%
Support for nvim-dap debugger for React 50%
Find way to refactor words like in coc Planned
List all plugins I use in README Planned
Support ESLint & Prettier in Native LSP 100%
Replace coc-explorer with nvim-tree.lua 100%
Replace coc.nvim with Native LSP 100%
Change fzf.nvim to telescope.nvim 100%
Update statusline to support LSP diagnostics 100%
Rewrite most config to lua 100%
Support TailwindCSS with colors 100%
Provide current screenshots 100%