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429 lines (289 loc) · 15.7 KB


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Report Bugs

Report bugs at

If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Submit Feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at

If you are proposing a feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
  • Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :)

Fix Bugs / Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs or feature requests. Anybody is welcome to submit a pull request for open issues.

Pull Request Guidelines

Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:

  1. The pull request should include tests.
  2. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put your new functionality into a function with a docstring, and add the feature to the list in features.rst.
  3. Check and make sure that the tests pass for all supported Python versions.

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Follow Aaron Meurer's Git Workflow Notes (with qucontrol/krotov instead of sympy/sympy)

In short, if you are not a member of the qucontrol organization,

  1. Clone the repository from [email protected]:qucontrol/krotov.git
  2. Fork the repo on GitHub to your personal account.
  3. Add your fork as a remote.
  4. Pull in the latest changes from the master branch.
  5. Create a topic branch
  6. Make your changes and commit them (testing locally)
  7. Push changes to the topic branch on your remote
  8. Make a pull request against the base master branch through the Github website of your fork.

The project contains a Makefile to help with development tasts. In your checked-out clone, do

$ make help

to see the available make targets.

If you are a member of the qucontrol organization, there is no need to fork krotov: you can directly pull and push to [email protected]:qucontrol/krotov.git.

It is strongly recommended that you use the conda package manager. The Makefile relies on conda to create local testing and documentation building environements (make test and make docs).

Alternatively, you may use make develop-test and make develop-docs to run the tests or generate the documentation within your active Python environment. You will have to ensure that all the necessary dependencies are installed. Also, you will not be able to test the package against all supported Python versions. You still can (and should) look at to check that your commits pass all tests.


The Krotov package includes a full test-suite using pytest. We strive for a test coverage above 90%.

From a checkout of the krotov repository, assuming conda is installed, you can use

$ make test

to run the entire test suite.

The tests are organized in the tests subfolder. It includes python scripts whose name start with test_, which contain functions whose names also start with test_. Any such functions in any such files are picked up by pytest for testing. In addition, doctests from any docstring or any documentation file (*.rst) are picked up (by the pytest doctest plugin). Lastly, all example notebooks are validated as a test, through the nbval plugin.

Write Documentation

The krotov package could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such.

The package documentation is generated with Sphinx, the documentation (and docstrings) are formatted using the Restructured Text markup language (file extension rst). See also the Matplotlib Sphinx Sheet sheet for some helpful tips.

Each function or class must have a docstring; this docstring must be written in the "Google Style" format (as implemented by Sphinx' napoleon extension). Docstrings and any other part of the documentation can include mathematical formulas in LaTeX syntax (using mathjax). In addition to Sphinx' normal syntax for inline math (:math:`x`), you may also use easier-to-read dollar signs ($x$). The Krotov package defines some custom tex macros for quantum mechanics, which you are strongly encouraged to use. These include:

  • \bra, e.g. $\bra{\Psi}$ for \bra{\Psi} (or \\Bra{} for auto-resizing). Do not use \langle/\rangle/\vert manually!
  • \ket, e.g. $\ket{\Psi}$ for \ket{\Psi} (or \Ket{} for auto-resizing).
  • \Braket, e.g. $\Braket{\Phi}{\Psi}$ for \Braket{\Phi}{\Psi}.
  • \Op for for quantum operators, e.g. $\Op{H}$ for \Op{H}.
  • \Abs for absolute values, e.g. $\Abs{x}$ for \Abs{x}.
  • \AbsSq for the absolute-square, e.g. $\AbsSq{\Braket{\Phi}{\Psi}}$ for \AbsSq{\Braket{\Phi}{\Psi}}.
  • \avg for the expectation values, e.g. $\avg{\Op{H}}$ for \avg{\Op{H}} (or \Avg{} for auto-resizing).
  • \Norm for the norm, e.g. $\Norm{\ket{\Psi}}$ for \Norm{\ket{\Psi}}.
  • \identity for the identity operator, \identity.
  • \Liouville for the Liouvillian symbol, \Liouville.
  • \DynMap for the symbolic dynamical map, \DynMap.
  • \dd for the differential, e.g. $\int f(x) \dd x$ for \int f(x) \dd x.
  • Function names / mathematical operators \tr, \diag, \abs, \pop.
  • Text labels \aux, \opt, \tgt, \init, \lab, \rwa.

Also see :ref:`math-in-example-notebooks`.

You may use the BibTeX plugin for citations.

At any point, from a checkout of the krotov repository (and assuming you have conda installed), you may run

$ make docs

to generate the documentation locally.

Contribute Examples

Examples should be contributed in the form of Jupyter notebooks.

Example notebooks are automatically rendered as part of the documentation (:ref:`krotov-example-notebooks`), and they are also verified by the automated tests. For this to work properly, the following steps must be taken:

  • Put all imports near the top of the notebook, with # NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT as the first line. Use the watermark package to print out the versions of imported packages. For example:

    %load_ext watermark
    import qutip
    import numpy as np
    import scipy
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    %watermark -v --iversions
  • Put the notebook in the folder docs/notebooks/.

  • Before committing, re-evaluate all example notebooks in a well-defined virtual environment by running

    $ make notebooks
  • Check that the examples can be verified across different Python version by running

    $ make test
  • You may also verify that the example is properly integrated in the documentation by running

    $ make docs

Math in Example Notebooks

You may use the same tex macros described in the :ref:`write-documentation` section. However, for the macros to work when viewing the notebook by itself, they must be redefined locally. To this end, add a markdown cell underneath the top cell that contains the imported packages (see above). The cell must contain the following:

\newcommand{Braket}[2]{\left\langle #1\vphantom{#2} \mid #2\vphantom{#1}\right\rangle}

Upon executing the cell, the definitions will be hidden, but the defined macros will be available in any cell in the rest of the notebook.

Developers' How-Tos

The following assumes your current working directory is a checkout of krotov, and that you have successfully run make test (which creates some local virtual environments that development relies on).

How to work on a topic branch

When working on an non-trivial issue, it is recommended to create a topic branch, instead of pushing to master.

To create a branch named issue18:

$ git branch issue18
$ git checkout issue18

You can then make commits, and push them to Github to trigger Continuous Integration testing:

$ git push origin issue18

It is ok to force-push on an issue branch

When you are done (the issue has been fixed), finish up by merging the topic branch back into master:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff issue18

The --no-ff option is critical, so that an explicit merge commit is created. Summarize the changes of the branch relative to master in the commit message.

Then, you can push master and delete the topic branch both locally and on Github:

$ git push origin master
$ git push --delete origin issue18
$ git branch -D issue18

How to reference a Github issue in a commit message

Simply put e.g. #14 anywhere in your commit message, and Github will automatically link to your commit on the page for issue number 14.

You may also use something like Closes #14 as the last line of your commit message to automatically close the issue. See Closing issues using keywords for details.

Also note the general Commit Message Guidelines.

How to run a jupyter notebook server for working on the example notebooks

A notebook server that is isolated to the proper testing environment can be started via the Makefile:

$ make jupter-notebook

This is equivalent to:

$ .venv/py36/bin/jupyter notebook --config=/dev/null

You may run this with your own options, if you prefer. The --config=/dev/null guarantees that the notebook server is completely isolated. Otherwise, configuration files from your home directly (see Jupyter’s Common Configuration system) may influence the server. Of course, if you know what you're doing, you may want this.

If you prefer, you may also use the newer jupyterlab:

$ make jupter-lab

How to convert an example notebook to a script for easier debugging

Interactive debugging in notebooks is difficult. It becomes much easier if you convert the notebook to a script first. To convert a notebook to an (I)Python script and run it with automatic debugging, execute e.g.:

$ ./.venv/py36/bin/jupyter nbconvert --to=python --stdout docs/notebooks/01_example_transmon_xgate.ipynb >
$ ./.venv/py36/bin/ipython --pdb

You can then also set a manual breakpoint by inserting the following line anywhere in the code:

from IPython.terminal.debugger import set_trace; set_trace() # DEBUG

How to run a subset of tests

To run e.g. only the tests defined in tests/, use:

$ ./.venv/py36/bin/pytest tests/

See the pytest test selection docs for details.

How to run only as single test

Decorate the test with e.g., and then run, e.g:

$ ./.venv/py36/bin/pytest -m xxx tests/

See the pytest documentation on markers for details.

How to run only the doctests

Run the following:

$ ./.venv/py36/bin/pytest --doctest-modules src

How to go into an interactive debugger

Optionally, install the pdbpp package into the testing environment, for a better experience:

$ ./.venv/py36/bin/python -m pip install pdbpp


  • before the line where you went to enter the debugger, insert a line:

    from IPython.terminal.debugger import set_trace; set_trace() # DEBUG
  • Run pytest with the option -s, e.g.:

    $ ./.venv/py36/bin/pytest -m xxx -s tests/

You may also see the pytest documentation on automatic debugging.

How to use quantum mechanical tex macros

For docstrings or rst files, see :ref:`write-documentation`. For notebooks, see :ref:`math-in-example-notebooks`.