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How to collect demonstrations using a script in the config of "control_delta = True" #515

Felixvillas opened this issue Sep 13, 2024 · 3 comments


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Felixvillas commented Sep 13, 2024

I'd like to collect demonstrations in the task of "Lift" using a script implemented by myself.
Here is my specific config of environment:

"expl_environment_kwargs": {
    "control_freq": 20,
    "controller": "OSC_POSE",
    "env_name": "Lift",
    "hard_reset": false,
    "horizon": 500,
    "ignore_done": false,
    "reward_scale": 1.0,
    "robots": "UR5e",
    "gripper_types": "default",
    "render_gpu_device_id": 0,
    "render_camera": "frontview",
    "camera_names": "frontview", 
    "camera_depths": true,
    "camera_heights": 720,
    "camera_widths": 1280,
    "reward_shaping": true,
    "has_renderer": false,
    "use_object_obs": true

Here is the core of the script for collecting demonstrations in the config of "control_delta = False":

from robosuite.utils import transform_utils as TU
def rotation_matrix(rot_angle, axis = 'z'):
        if axis == "x":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), np.sin(rot_angle / 2), 0, 0]))
        elif axis == "y":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), 0, np.sin(rot_angle / 2), 0]))
        elif axis == "z":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), 0, 0, np.sin(rot_angle / 2)]))

pick_pos =[env.sim.model.body_name2id(env.cube.root_body)]
final_angle = TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(rotation_matrix(0.5*np.pi, axis="x")@rotation_matrix(0, axis="y")@rotation_matrix(0, axis='z')))
reaching_steps = 20
# 1.reach
action = np.zeros(7)
action[:3] = pick_pos
action[3:6] = final_angle
action[2] += 0.1

for i in range(reaching_steps):
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)  # take action in the environment
        next_state = obs
        curr_state = next_state
# 2.picking
# 3.picking gripper
# 4.lifting

For simplicity, I only present the 'reach' section in the code above. As the 'control_delta = False', so when I pass an action with absolute value, it works.

Now I'd like to collect demos in the config of "control_delta = True", so I need to pass an action with relative values. However, I am not clear whether the relative value here refers to the relative to the current states or to the initial state, so I have tried both ways.

### relative to the current states
def curr_action(obs, env, gripper_state):
    current_action = np.zeros(7)
    current_action[0:3] = obs["robot0_eef_pos"]
    current_action[3:6] = TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(env.robots[0].controller.ee_ori_mat))
    current_action[6] = gripper_state
    return deepcopy(current_action)
# reaching
action = np.zeros(7)
action[:3] = pick_pos
action[3:6] = final_angle
action[2] += 0.1
current_action = curr_action(curr_state, env, 0)
for i in range(reaching_steps):
    act_action = (action - current_action) / reaching_steps # a delta 
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act_action)  # take action in the environment
    next_state = obs
    curr_state = next_state
### relative to the initial states
def initial_action(obs, env, gripper_state):
    current_action = np.zeros(7)
    current_action[0:3] = obs["robot0_eef_pos"]
    current_action[3:6] = TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(env.robots[0].controller.ee_ori_mat))
    current_action[6] = 0
    return deepcopy(current_action)
# reaching
action = np.zeros(7)
action[:3] = pick_pos
action[3:6] = final_angle
action[2] += 0.1
init_action = initial_action(curr_state, env, 0)
for i in range(reaching_steps):
    act_action = action - init_action
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act_action)  # take action in the environment
    next_state = obs
    curr_state = next_state

However, both attempts failed to collect good demonstrations under the condition "control_delta=True" (here, the gripper could not correctly approach the cube. The gripper either moved very slowly over a short distance or the robotic arm would rotate with the gripper as the center of rotation).

I wonder where the problem lies?


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@yukezhu @cremebrule
Sorry to bother. May I ask you two to clarify my doubts?

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It's relative to the current end effector pose. However, the OSC controller uses a specific mujoco site as the reference. The name of the site can be found in env.robots[0].controller.eef_name, and then you can query its position and rotation with obj_id = env.sim.model.site_name2id(env.robots[0].controller.eef_name) and then obj_pos = np.array([obj_id]) and obj_rot = np.array([obj_id].reshape(3, 3)).

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Felixvillas commented Sep 18, 2024

Reference this issue comment: #400 (comment).

I have modified (perhaps not an improvement, I am not sure) the code in this issue comment as following for data collection.

import os
import sys
import joblib
import datetime
import argparse
import pdb

import numpy as np
import robosuite as suite
import robosuite.macros as macros
from robosuite.controllers import load_controller_config
from robosuite.utils import camera_utils as CU
from robosuite.utils import transform_utils as TU
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import random
import pickle as pkl
import json
from copy import deepcopy
import imageio

# if only use colors, set "opencv"
macros.IMAGE_CONVENTION = "opencv"

RED = "\033[31m"
GREEN = "\033[32m"
RESET = "\033[0m"

from OpenGL import GL
def ignore_gl_errors(*args, **kwargs):
GL.glCheckError = ignore_gl_errors

def imgs2video(imgs, video_dir, fps=20):
    assert len(imgs) != 0
    frame = imgs[0]
    h, w, l = frame.shape
    video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_dir, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, (w, h))
    for img in imgs:
# def save_video(video_path_name, datas, fps=20):
#     if not video_path_name.endswith(".mp4"):
#         video_path_name += ".mp4"
#     video_writer = imageio.get_writer(video_path_name, fps=fps)
#     # print(f"number of eps: {len(datas)}")
#     for data in datas:
#         for img in data:
#             video_writer.append_data(img[::-1])
#     video_writer.close()
imgs = []
demo_lists = []

# def osc_control_to(env, ref_state, desc=20, threshold=0.02, info=""):
#     """
#     Works for most robots
#     Args
#     ----
#     ref_state: np.array([x, y, z, ax, ay, az, grip])
#     desc: Number of waypoints to goal
#     threshold: Error allowed

#     Notes
#     -----
#     Control using OSC
#     Might need tuning for each robot based on the impedances
#     """
#     robot = env.robots[0]
#     controller = robot.controller

#     # control logic
#     ref_pose = ref_state[:-1]
#     gripper_pos = ref_state[-1]
#     cur_pose = np.array(
#         [*controller.ee_pos, *TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(controller.ee_ori_mat))]
#     )
#     ori_delta = (ref_pose - cur_pose) / desc
#     next_pose = cur_pose + ori_delta
#     step_itr = 1
#     step_itr_total = 0
#     while np.linalg.norm(ref_pose - cur_pose) > threshold:
#         itr = 0
#         delta = ori_delta
#         while np.linalg.norm(next_pose - cur_pose) > threshold:
#             # print(f"delta: {delta}")
#             delta = ref_pose - cur_pose
#             delta[3:6] = 0
#             # delta *= 10
#             obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(np.concatenate((delta, np.array([gripper_pos])), 0))
#             img = obs[args.view + '_image']
#             imgs.append(img)
#             print(f"{info}, reward: {reward}, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}")
#             # if reward >= 0.99:
#             #     break
#             # env.render()
#             cur_pose = np.array(
#                 [
#                     *controller.ee_pos,
#                     *TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(controller.ee_ori_mat)),
#                 ]
#             )
#             delta = next_pose - cur_pose
#             # to avoid oscillations
#             # ideally should decay kp?
#             delta = delta / np.log2(2 + itr)  # slowly decaying
#             itr += 1
#             step_itr_total += 1
#             if itr > 200:
#                 break
#         # if reward >= 0.99:
#         #         break
#         if step_itr < desc:
#             next_pose += ori_delta
#             step_itr += 1
#     return step_itr_total

def osc_control_to(env, obs, ref_state, desc=20, threshold=0.02, info="", ingore_break=False):
    Works for most robots
    ref_state: np.array([x, y, z, ax, ay, az, grip])
    desc: Number of waypoints to goal
    threshold: Error allowed

    Control using OSC
    Might need tuning for each robot based on the impedances
    demo_list = []
    robot = env.robots[0]
    controller = robot.controller

    # control logic
    ref_pose = ref_state[:-1]
    gripper_pos = ref_state[-1]
    cur_pose = np.array(
        [*controller.ee_pos, *TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(controller.ee_ori_mat))]
    step_itr = 1
    step_itr_total = 0
    # print(f"ref_pos: {ref_pose}, cur_pos: {cur_pose}, the: {np.linalg.norm(ref_pose - cur_pose)}")
    reward = None
    cur_state = deepcopy(obs)
    while ingore_break or np.linalg.norm(ref_pose - cur_pose) > threshold:
        itr = 0
        delta = ref_pose - cur_pose
        delta[3:6] = 0
        action = np.concatenate((delta, np.array([gripper_pos])), 0) * 2
            obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
        except Exception as e:
        demo_list.append(deepcopy((cur_state, action, reward, obs, done)))
        cur_state = deepcopy(obs)
        # img = obs[args.view + '_image']
        # imgs.append(img)
        step_itr_total += 1
        # print(f"{info}, reward: {reward}, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}")
        # if reward >= 0.99 or done:
        #     break
        if (not ingore_break) and (reward >= 0.99 or done):
        # env.render()
        cur_pose = np.array(
    return step_itr_total, reward, demo_list, cur_state

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num', default=20, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--view', default='frontview', choices=['frontview', 'agentview', 'birdview'])
parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', default='lift', choices=['lift', 'stack', 'jimu'])
args = parser.parse_args()

# ENV_NAME="Lift"
ENV_NAME = args.task.capitalize()
LIFTED = False
RGBD = False

### comment init_envs and init your envs by suite.make ###
from env_robosuite import init_envs

train_envs, test_envs, env = init_envs(

#### saved parameters ####
saved_paras = {
    "control_freq": CONTROL_FREQ,
    "args_num": args.num,
    "rgbd": RGBD,
    "meta_world": META_REWARD,
    "lifted": LIFTED
#### saved parameters ####

eps = 3000
number_interval = 500
cur_eps = 0
total_eps = 0

demo_dir = os.path.join(os.environ.get("project_data_path"), 'robosuite', ENV_NAME)
# os.makedirs(demo_dir, exist_ok=True)
current_time =
save_dir = os.path.join(demo_dir, current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"))
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)

# try:
while cur_eps < eps:
    demo_list = []
    step_itr_total = 0
    obs = env.reset()
    # pdb.set_trace()
    if ENV_NAME == "Jimu":
        pick_pos =[env.sim.model.body_name2id(env.jimu_tgt_cubes[-1].root_body)]
        cubeB_pos_ranges = env.tgt_cube_poses[-1]
        cubeB_pos = [
        place_pos = np.array(cubeB_pos)
    elif ENV_NAME == "Stack":
        # pick cubeA and place it ob cubeB? or
        # pick cubeB and place it ob cubeA?
        pick_pos =[env.sim.model.body_name2id(env.cubeA.root_body)]
        place_pos =[env.sim.model.body_name2id(env.cubeB.root_body)]
    elif ENV_NAME == "Lift":
        pick_pos =[env.sim.model.body_name2id(env.cube.root_body)]
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # raise NotImplementedError
        raise NotImplementedError

    def rotation_matrix(rot_angle, axis = 'z'):
        if axis == "x":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), np.sin(rot_angle / 2), 0, 0]))
        elif axis == "y":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), 0, np.sin(rot_angle / 2), 0]))
        elif axis == "z":
            return TU.quat2mat(np.array([np.cos(rot_angle / 2), 0, 0, np.sin(rot_angle / 2)]))

    # final_angle = TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(rotation_matrix(0.5*np.pi, axis="x")@rotation_matrix(0, axis="y")@rotation_matrix(0, axis='z')))
    final_angle = TU.quat2axisangle(TU.mat2quat(env.robots[0].controller.ee_ori_mat))

    # 1.reach
    action = np.zeros(7)
    action[:3] = pick_pos
    action[2] -= 0.018
    action[3:6] = final_angle
    # try:
    osc_r = osc_control_to(env, obs, ref_state=action, info="1. reaching")
    step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
    # print(GREEN, f"1. reaching, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}", RESET)

    # 2.picking
    # action[:3] = pick_pos
    # action[3:6] = final_angle
    # osc_r = osc_control_to(env, ref_state=action, info="2. picking")
    # step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
    # print(GREEN, f"2. picking, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}", RESET)
    # 2.picking gripper
    action[6] = 1
    osc_r = osc_control_to(env, osc_r[3], ref_state=action, info="2. picking gripper")
    step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
    # print(GREEN, f"2. picking gripper, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}", RESET)

    # 3.lifting
    action[2] += 0.1
    osc_r = osc_control_to(env, osc_r[3], ref_state=action, info="3. lifting", ingore_break=(ENV_NAME=="Lift"))
    step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
    # print(GREEN, f"3. lifting, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}", RESET)
    if ENV_NAME == "Stack":
        # 4. moving
        action[:3] = place_pos
        action[2] += 0.1
        osc_r = osc_control_to(env, osc_r[3], ref_state=action, info="4. moving")
        step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
        # 5. placing
        # action[2] -= 0.12
        # osc_r = osc_control_to(env, osc_r[3], ref_state=action, info="5. placing")
        # step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
        # demo_list.extend(deepcopy(osc_r[2]))
        # 6. placing griper
        action[6] = -1
        osc_r = osc_control_to(env, osc_r[3], ref_state=action, threshold=0.01, info="6. placing gripper", ingore_break=True)
        step_itr_total += osc_r[0]
    total_eps += 1
    if osc_r[1] is not None and osc_r[1] >= 0.99:
        # success episode
        cur_eps += 1
        success_flag = True
        success_flag = False
    print(GREEN, f"ep: {cur_eps}, step_itr_total: {step_itr_total}, success: {success_flag}", RESET)
    if (cur_eps % number_interval == 0) and (cur_eps != 0):
        print("+" * 20, "save demos", "+" * 20)
        # save demos
        demo_idx = cur_eps // number_interval
        pkl_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, f'demo_cFreq{CONTROL_FREQ}_eps{eps}_idx{demo_idx}.pkl')
        # joblib.dump(demo_lists, pkl_dir)
        # while True:
        with open(pkl_dir, mode="wb") as f:
            pkl.dump(demo_lists, f)
            # with open(pkl_dir, mode='rb') as f:
            #     data = pkl.load(f)
            # if data != []:
            #     break
            # else:
            #     assert demo_lists != []
        demo_lists = []
# except KeyboardInterrupt as ke:
#     video_dir = "./demo_gen/osc_control_video"
#     os.makedirs(video_dir, exist_ok=True)
#     video_dir = os.path.join(video_dir, "demo.mp4")
#     imgs2video(
#         imgs=imgs,
#         video_dir=video_dir,
#         fps=CONTROL_FREQ
#     )
#     sys.exit(0)
# video_dir = "./demo_gen/osc_control_video"
# os.makedirs(video_dir, exist_ok=True)
# video_dir = os.path.join(video_dir, "demo.mp4")
# imgs2video(
#     imgs=imgs,
#     video_dir=video_dir,
#     fps=CONTROL_FREQ
# )

print(f"Eps {eps}, total_eps: {total_eps}, Eps success rate: {eps / total_eps}")

I collected a sufficient number of correct demonstrations (at least 1 million transitions), and then trained offline with tianshou's TD3_BC (this algorithm performs very well on d4rl's halfCheetah), but the results look poor. The visualization is as follows:


I don't know where the problem lies, and I guess it might be because the actions cannot be accurately simulated under control_delta=True?

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