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File metadata and controls

583 lines (443 loc) · 29 KB

App Container Specification

The "App Container" defines an image format, image discovery mechanism and execution environment that can exist in several independent implementations. The core goals include:

  • Design for fast downloads and starts of the containers
  • Ensure images are cryptographically verifiable and highly-cacheable
  • Design for composability and independent implementations
  • Use common technologies for crypto, archive, compression and transport
  • Use the DNS namespace to name and discover container images

To achieve these goals this specification is split out into a number of smaller sections.

  1. The App Container Image defines: how files are assembled together into a single image, verified on download and placed onto disk to be run.

  2. The App Container Executor defines: how an app container image on disk is run and the environment it is run inside including cgroups, namespaces and networking.

    • The Metadata Server defines how a container can introspect and get a cryptographically verifiable identity from the execution environment.
  3. The App Container Image Discovery defines: how to take a name like and translate that into a downloadable image.

Example Use Case

To provide context to the specs outlined below we will walk through an example.

A user wants to launch a container running two processes. The two processes the user wants to run are the apps named and First, the executor will check the cache and find that it doesn't have images available for these apps. So, it will make an HTTPS request to and using the tags there finds that the containers can be found at:

The executor downloads these two images and puts them into its local on-disk cache. Then the executor extracts two fresh copies of the images to create instances of the "on-disk app format" and reads the two app manifests to figure out what binaries will need to be executed.

Based on user input the executor now sets up the necessary cgroups, network interfaces, etc and forks the register and reduce-worker processes in their shared namespaces inside the container.

At some point, the container will get some notification that it needs to stop. The executor will send SIGTERM to the processes and after they have exited the post-stop event handlers for each app will run.

Now, let's dive into the pieces that took us from two URLs to a running container on our system.

App Container Image

An App Container Image (ACI) contains all files and metadata needed to execute a given app. In some ways you can think of an ACI as equivalent to a static binary. This file layout must be followed for the app to be executed by an Executor.

Image Layout

The on-disk layout of an app container is straightforward. It includes a rootfs with all of the files that will exist in the root of the app and an app manifest describing how to execute the app.


Image Archives

The ACI archive format aims for flexibility and relies on very boring technologies: HTTP, gpg, tar and gzip. This set of formats makes it easy to build, host and secure a container using technologies that are battle tested.

Images archives MUST be a tar formatted file. The image may be optionally compressed with gzip, bzip2 or xz. After compression images may also be encrypted with AES symmetric encryption.

tar cvvf reduce-worker.tar app rootfs
gpg --output reduce-worker.sig --detach-sig reduce-worker.tar
gzip reduce-worker.tar -c > reduce-worker.aci

Optional encryption:

gpg --output reduce-worker.aci --digest-algo sha256 --cipher-algo AES256 --symmetric reduce-worker.aci

All files in the image must maintain all of their original properties including: timestamps, Unix modes and xattrs.

An image is addressed and verified against the hash of its uncompressed tar file. The default digest format is sha256, but all hash IDs in this format are prefixed by the algorithm used (e.g. sha256-a83...).

echo sha256-$(sha256sum reduce-worker.tar |awk '{print $1}')

Note: the key distribution mechanism is not defined here. Implementations of the app container spec will need to provide a mechanism for users to configure the list of signing keys to trust or use the key discovery described in "App Container Image Discovery".

Example application container image builder: TODO link to actool

App Manifest

The app manifest is a JSON file that includes all of the details to execute a main process from the rootfs. Execution details include mount points that should exist, the user, the command args, default cgroup settings and more. The manifest also defines binaries to execute in response to lifecycle events of the main process such as pre-start and post-stop.

Image Format TODO

  • Define the garbage collection lifecycle of the container filesystem including:
    • Format of app exit code and signal
    • The refcounting plan for resources consumed by the ACE such as volumes
  • Define the lifecycle of the container as all exit or first to exit
  • Define security requirements for a container. In particular is any isolation of users required between containers? What user does each application run under and can this be root (i.e. "real" root in the host).
  • Define how apps are supposed to communicate; can they/do they 'see' each other (a section in the apps perspective would help)?

Fileset Images

An app container image MAY contain a second optional manifest, the Fileset manifest, to describe how to assemble the final rootfs from a collection of other images. Such an image may not contain an app manifest, in which case they are simply a "fileset".


As an example, you might have an app that needs special certificates layered into its filesystem. In this case, you can reference the name "" as a dependency in the fileset manifest. The dependencies are applied in order and each fileset can overwrite files from the previous fileset. Optionally, filesets can be applied to a subtree, such as /etc/ssl for the trusted-certificate-authority-1.0.0.

App Container Executor

App Containers are a combination of a number of technologies which are not aware of each other. This specification attempts to define a reasonable subset of steps to accomplish a few goals:

  • Creating a filesystem hierarchy in which the app will execute
  • Running the app process inside of a combination of resource and namespace isolations
  • Executing the application inside of this environment

There are two "perspectives" in this process. The "executor" perspective consists of the steps that the container executor must take to set up the containers. The "app" perspective is how the app processes inside the container see the environment.

Executor Perspective

Filesystem Setup

Every execution of an app container should start from a clean copy of the app fileset. The simplest implementation will take an application container image and extract it into a new directory:

cd $(mktemp -d -t temp.XXXX)
mkdir hello
tar xzvf /var/lib/pce/hello.aci -C hello

Other implementations could increase performance and de-duplicate data by building on top of overlay filesystems, copy-on-write block devices, or a content-addressed file store. These details are orthogonal to the runtime environment.

Container Runtime Manifest

A container executes one or more apps with shared PID namespace, network namespace, mount namespace, IPC namespace and UTS namespace. Each app will start pivoted (i.e. chrooted) into its own unique read-write rootfs before execution. The definition of the container is a list of apps that should be launched together. This is codified in a Container Runtime Manifest.

This example container will use a set of three apps:

Name Version Image hash 1.0.0 sha256-277205b3ae3eb3a8e042a62ae46934b470e431ac 1.0.0 sha256-3e86b59982e49066c5d813af1c2e2579cbf573de 1.0.0 sha256-86298e1fdb95ec9a45b5935504e26ec29b8feffa

Volume Setup

Volumes that are specified in the Container Runtime Manifest are mounted into each of the apps via a bind mount. For example say that the worker-backup and reduce-worker both have a MountPoint named "work". In this case, the container executor will bind mount the host's /opt/tenant1/database directory into the Path of each of the matching "work" MountPoints of the two containers.

Network Setup

An App Container must have a layer 3 (commonly called the IP layer) network interface; this can be instantiated in any number of ways (e.g. veth, macvlan, ipvlan, device pass-through). The network interface should be configured with an IPv4/IPv6 address that is reachable from other containers.


Apps should log to stdout and stderr. The container executor is responsible for capturing and persisting the output.

If the application detects other logging options, such as the /run/systemd/system/journal socket, it may optionally upgrade to using those mechanisms. Note that logging mechanisms other than stdout and stderr are not required by this specification (or tested by the compliance tests).

Apps Perspective

Execution Environment

  • Working directory always the root of the application image
  • PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  • USER, LOGNAME username of the user executing this app
  • HOME home directory of the user
  • SHELL login shell of the user
  • AC_APP_NAME name of the application (as defined in the app manifest)
  • AC_METADATA_URL URL that the metadata service for this container can be found


Isolators enforce resource constraints rather than namespacing. Isolators may be applied to individual applications, to whole containers, or to both. Some well known isolators can be verified by the specification. Additional isolators will be added to this specification over time.

Name Type Schema Example
cpu/shares/ string "<uint>" "4096"
memory/limit string "<bytes>" "1G", "5T", "4K"
blockIO/readBandwidth string "<path to file> <bytes>" "/tmp 1K"
blockIO/writeBandwidth string "<path to file> <bytes>" "/tmp 1K"
networkIO/readBandwidth string "<device name> <bytes>" "eth0 100M"
networkIO/writeBandwidth string "<device name> <bytes>" "eth0 100M"
privateNetwork string "<true|false>" "true"
capabilities/boundingSet string "<cap> <cap> ..." "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_SYS_ADMIN"


  • uint: base 10 formatted unsigned int as a string
  • bytes: Suffix to a base 10 int to make it a K, M, G, or T for base 1024

App Container Image Discovery

An app name has a URL-like structure, for example However, there is no scheme on this app name so we can't directly resolve it to an app container image. App Container Image Discovery prescribes a discovery process to retrieve an image based on the app name

Simple Discovery

First, try to fetch the app container image by rendering the following template and directly retrieving the resulting URL:


For example, given the app name, with version 1.0.0, arch amd64, and os linux, try to retrieve:

If this fails, move on to meta discovery. If this succeeds, try fetching the signature using the same template but with a .sig extension:

Meta Discovery

If simple discovery fails, then we use HTTPS+HTML meta tags to resolve an app name to a downloadable URL. For example, if the ACE is looking for it will request:

Then inspect the HTML returned for meta tags that have the following format:

<meta name="ac-discovery" content="prefix-match url-tmpl">
<meta name="ac-discovery-pubkeys" content="prefix-match url">
  • ac-discovery should contain a URL template that can be rendered to retrieve the app image or signature
  • ac-discovery-pubkeys should contain a URL that provides a set of public keys that can be used to verify the signature of the app image

Some examples for different schemes and URLs:

<meta name="ac-discovery" content="{os}/{arch}/{name}-{version}.{ext}?torrent">
<meta name="ac-discovery" content=" hdfs://{name}-{version}-{os}-{arch}.{ext}">
<meta name="ac-discovery-pubkeys" content="">

The algorithm first ensures that the prefix of the AC Name matches the prefix-match and then if there is a match it will request the equivalent of:

curl $(echo "$urltmpl" | sed -e "s/{name}/$appname/" -e "s/{version}/$version/ -e "s/{os}/$os/" -e "s/{arch}/$arch/" -e "s/{ext}/$ext/")

where appname, version, os, and arch are set to their respective values for the application, and ext is either aci or sig for retrieving an app image or signature respectively.

In our example above this would be:


This mechanism is only used for discovery of contents URLs. Anything implementing this spec should enforce any signing rules set in place by the operator and ensure the app manifest provided by the fetched app fileset image are all prefixed from the same domain.

Discovery URLs that require interpolation are RFC6570 URI templates.

Inspired by:

App Container Metadata Service

For a variety of reasons, it is desirable to not write files to the filesystem in order to run a container:

  • Secrets can be kept outside of the container (such as the identity endpoint specified below)
  • Writing files leads to assumptions like a libc environment attempting parse /etc/hosts
  • The container can be run on top of a cryptographically secured read-only filesystem
  • Metadata is a proven system for virtual machines

config-drives are one means of providing metadata to containers/virtual machines, but make assumptions about filesystems which are not appropriate for all environments. Hence, the app container specification defines an HTTP-based metadata for providing metadata to containers.

Metadata Server

The ACE must provide a Metadata server on the address given to the container via the AC_METADATA_URL environment variable. By convention, the default address will be

Clients querying any of these endpoints must specify the Metadata-Flavor: AppContainer header.

Container Metadata

Information about the container that this app is executing in.

Retrievable at http://$AC_METADATA_URL/acMetadata/v1/container

Entry Description
annotations/ A directory of metadata values passed to the container.
manifest The container manifest JSON
uid The unique execution container uid.

App Metadata

Every running process will be able to introspect its App Name via the AC_APP_NAME environment variable. This is necessary to query for the correct endpoint metadata.

Retrievable at http://$AC_METADATA_URL/acMetadata/v1/apps/${ac_app_name}/

Entry Description
annotations/ A directory of metadata values on the entrypoint manifest.
image/manifest The original manifest file of the app.
image/id Cryptographic image ID this app is on.

Identity Endpoint

As a basic building block for building a secure identity system, the metadata service must provide an HMAC (described in RFC2104) endpoint for use by the apps in the container. This gives a cryptographically verifiable identity to the container based on its container unique ID and the container HMAC key, which is held securely by the ACE.

Accessible at

Entry Description
sign POST any object to this endpoint and retrieve a base64 hmac-sha256 signature as the response body. The metadata service holds onto the AES key as a sort of container TPM.
verify Verify a signature from another container. POST a form with signature=<base64 encoded signature> and uid=<uid of the container that generated the signature>. Returns 200 OK if the signature passes.

AC Name Type

An AC Name Type is restricted to lowercase characters accepted by the DNS RFC and "/".


  • database

An AC Name Type cannot be an empty string. The AC Name Type is used as the primary key for a number of fields in the schemas below. The schema validator will ensure that the keys conform to these constraints.

Manifest Schemas

App Manifest Schema

JSON Schema for the App Image Manifest

    "acVersion": "0.1.0",
    "acKind": "AppManifest",
    "name": "",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "os": "linux",
    "arch": "amd64",
    "exec": [

    "user": "100",
    "group": "300",
    "eventHandlers": [
            "name": "pre-start",
            "exec": [

            "name": "post-stop",
            "exec": [

    "environment": {
        "REDUCE_WORKER_DEBUG": "true"

    "mountPoints": [
            "name": "database",
            "path": "/var/lib/db",
            "readOnly": false

    "ports": [
            "name": "health",
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "port": 4000,
            "socketActivated": true

    "isolators": [
            "name": "private-network",
            "val": "true"
            "name": "cpu/shares",
            "val": "20"
            "name": "memory/limit",
            "val": "1G"
            "name": "capabilities/bounding-set",

     "annotations": {
        "created": "2014-10-27T19:32:27.67021798Z",
        "authors": "Carly Container <[email protected]>, Nat Network <[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])>",
        "homepage": "",
        "documentation": ""
  • acVersion is required and represents the version of the schema specification that the manifest implements (string, must be in semver format)
  • acKind is required and must be set to "AppManifest"
  • name is required, and will be used as a human readable index to the container image. (string, restricted to the AC Name formatting)
  • version is required (string, restricted to the AC Name formatting). When combined with "name", this should be unique for every build of an app.
  • os is required (string; currently, the only supported value is "linux"). Together with "arch", this can be considered to describe the syscall ABI this image requires.
  • arch is required (string; currently, the only supported value is "amd64"). Together with "os", this can be considered to describe the syscall ABI this image requires.
  • exec the executable to launch and any flags (array of strings, must be non-empty; ACE can append or override)
  • user/group are required, and indicate either the GID/UID or the username/group name the app should run as inside of the container (freeform string). If the user or group field begins with a "/" the owner and group of the file found at that absolute path is used as the GID/UID of the process.
  • eventHandlers are optional, and should be a list of eventHandler objects. eventHandlers allow the app to have several hooks based on lifecycle events. For example, you may want to execute a script before the main process starts up to download a dataset or backup onto the filesystem. An eventHandler is a simple object with two fields - an exec (array of strings, ACE can append or override), and a name, which should be one of:
    • pre-start - will be executed and must exit before the long running main exec binary is launched
    • post-stop - if the main exec process is killed then this is ran. This can be used to cleanup resources in the case of clean application shutdown, but cannot be relied upon in the face of machine failure.stopped
  • environment the app's preferred environment variables (map of freeform strings) (ACE can append)
  • mountPoints are the locations where a container is expecting external data to mounted. The name indicates an executor-defined label to look up a mount point, and the path stipulates where it should actually be mounted inside the rootfs. The name is restricted to the AC Name Type formatting. "readOnly" should be a boolean indicating whether or not the mount point should be read-only (defaults to "false" if unsupplied).
  • ports are the protocols and port numbers that the container will be listening on once started. The key is restricted to the AC Name formatting. This information is primarily informational to help the user find ports that are not well known. It could also optionally be used to limit the inbound connections to the container via firewall rules to only ports that are explicitly exposed.
    • socketActivated if this is set to true then the application expects to be socket activated on these ports. The ACE must pass file descriptors using the socket activation protocol that are listening on these ports when starting this container. If multiple apps in the same container are using socket activation then the ACE must match the sockets to the correct apps using getsockopt() and getsockname().
  • isolators is a list of well-known and optional isolation steps that should be applied to the app. name is restricted to the AC Name formatting and val can be a freeform string. Any isolators specified in the App Manifest can be overridden at runtime via the Container Runtime Manifest. The executor can either ignore isolator keys it does not understand or error. In practice this means there might be certain isolators (for example, an AppArmor policy) that an executor doesn't understand so it will simply skip that entry.
  • annotations key/value store that can be used by systems outside of the ACE (ACE can override). The key is restricted to the AC Name formatting. If you are defining new annotations, please consider submitting them to the specification. If you intend for your field to remain special to your application please be a good citizen and prefix an appropriate namespace to your key names. Recognized annotations include:
    • created is the date on which this container was built (string, must be in RFC3339 format)
    • authors contact details of the people or organization responsible for the containers (freeform string)
    • homepage URL to find more information on the container (string, must be a URL with scheme HTTP or HTTPS)
    • documentation URL to get documentation on this container (string, must be a URL with scheme HTTP or HTTPS)

Container Runtime Manifest Schema


    "acVersion": "0.1.0",
    "acKind": "ContainerRuntimeManifest",
    "uuid": "6733C088-A507-4694-AABF-EDBE4FC5266F",
    "apps": [
            "app": "",
            "imageID": "sha256-277205b3ae3eb3a8e042a62ae46934b470e431ac"
            "app": "",
            "imageID": "sha256-3e86b59982e49066c5d813af1c2e2579cbf573de",
            "isolators": [
                {"name": "memory/limit" "val": "1G"}
            "annotations": {
                "foo": "baz"
            "app": "",
            "imageID": "sha256-86298e1fdb95ec9a45b5935504e26ec29b8feffa"
    "volumes": [
            "kind": "host",
            "source": "/opt/tenant1/work",
            "readOnly": true,
            "fulfills": [
            "kind": "empty",
            "fulfills": [

    "isolators": {
           "name": "memory/limit",
           "value": "4G"

    "annotations": {
        "ip-address": ""
  • acVersion is required and represents the version of the schema spec (string, must be in semver format)
  • acKind is required and must be set to "ContainerRuntimeManifest"
  • uuid an RFC4122 UUID that represents this instance of the container (string, must be in RFC4122 format)
  • apps the list of apps that will execute inside of this container
    • app the name of the app (string, restricted to AC Name formatting)
    • imageID the content hash of the image that this app will execute inside of (string, must be of the format "type-value", where "type" is "sha256" and value is the hex encoded string of the hash)
    • isolators the list of isolators that should be applied to this app (key is restricted to the AC Name formatting and the value can be a freeform string)
    • annotations arbitrary metadata appended to the app (key is restricted to the AC Name formatting and the value can be a freeform string)
  • volumes the list of volumes which should be mounted into each application's filesystem
    • kind string, currently either "empty" or "host" (bind mount)
    • fulfills the MountPoints of the containers that this volume can fulfill (string, restricted to AC Name formatting)
  • isolators the list of isolators that will apply to all apps in this container (name is restricted to the AC Name formatting and the value can be a freeform string)
  • annotations arbitrary metadata the executor should make available to applications via the metadata service (key is restricted to the AC Name formatting and the value can be a freeform string)

Fileset Manifest

    "acVersion": "0.1.0",
    "acKind": "FilesetManifest",
    "name": "",
    "dependencies": [
            "hash": "sha256-...",
            "name": "",
            "root": "/"
            "hash": "sha256-...",
            "name": "",
            "root": "/opt/libs"
            "hash": "sha256-...",
            "name": "",
            "root": "/etc/ca"
    "files": [
  • acVersion is required and represents the version of the schema spec (string, must be in semver format)
  • acKind is required and must be set to "FilesetManifest"
  • dependencies list of filesets that need to be placed down into the rootfs before the files from this fileset. The ordering is significant.
    • hash content hash of the fileset
    • name name of the app
    • root the place in this filesets hierarchy that the dependent rootfs should be placed
  • files whitelist of files that should exist on-disk for this fileset. This is only required if you have dependent filesets and want to remove files from those filesets before running the container.